Richard Neal

barbie dolls, enamel on wood 50x43" 2009

(private collection) paper, fabric, charcoal, oil on panel 48x64" 2008

(private collection) mixed media, oil on wood 28x24" 2009

barbie dolls, enamel on wood 50x43" 2009

(private collection) paper, fabric, charcoal and oil on panel 48x64'' 2008

(private collection) oil and mixed media on panel 70x48" 2009

(private collection) oil on fabric on wood 47x38" 2011

mixed media 40x64'' 2009

paper, plastic and acrylic 74x80" 2011

Barbie dolls and enamel on wood 50x43" 2009

burned books and enamel on wood 28x30''

oil, cloth and rope on panel 70x64''

oil and enamel on canvas 86X54'' 2015

oil, enamel, and piano parts on panel 40x32" 2011

(private collection) mixed media and oil on wood 28x24" 2009